There are traditionally four kinds of Powersport & motorcycle batteries:
- Conventional Batteries
- AGM Sealed Maintenance Free
- AGM Factory Activated Maintenance Free
- Lithium Powersport Batteries
Conventional Powersport Batteries
This type of batteries has flooded electrolyte and is very accessible. These batteries have to be carefully and periodically maintained. The conventional batteries are normally less expensive than the other types mentioned above, but with the cost savings come more maintenance. You will need to add distilled water from time to time to prevent the battery from sulphating. Water loss is a normal characteristic of this type of battery because of the high temperature inside, and the process of electrolysis and evaporation. This means the fluid level of the battery needs to be checked on a regular basis. Conventional batteries also tend to discharge more rapidly than AGM type batteries.

AGM Sealed Maintenance Free Batteries
Once these batteries are put into service, they become a completely sealed unit requiring a lot less maintenance than the Conventional Batteries mentioned above. Although the battery still needs to be charged on a regular basis if your vehicle is not in use, there is no need to monitor the fluid level in this battery type. Unlike the conventional battery listed above, once this type battery is sealed, it becomes spill proof, which can eliminate damage from battery acid that can occur from using a flooded battery.

AGM Factory Activated Maintenance Free Batteries
The same convenience and technology as the AGM Sealed Maintenance Free Batteries mentioned above, except this battery is sealed and activated at the time of manufacture. Very convenient to the point that all that needs to be done is put the battery into your vehicle and you are ready to ride. The only downside of this type of battery is that all batteries once activated have a shelf life, and if this battery is not going to be used right away, or be put in a vehicle that is not going to ridden on a regular basis, the battery will need to be kept charged on a battery maintainer.

Lithium Maintenance Free Powersport Batteries
There are a few different types of lithium batteries, at Power Sonic we use Lithium Iron Phosphate (LifePo4) batteries which are the safest chemistry. Proven lithium technology combined with active intelligent monitoring means our Hyper Sport Pro Series are four times lighter in weight, four times faster at charging and last four times longer than their nearest AGM equivalents. LiFePO4 batteries are the choice of Powersport enthusiasts who want the best ride possible.